Helpful Hints to get the Best Wedding Portraits

You know those gorgeous images that seem like they are out of a magazine? Every bride wishes and hopes for those images on their wedding day. Ever wonder how it happens?! Here are some helpful hints to get the best images on your wedding day.

1. Natural light: Be sure you have plenty of natural light.  If I could shout from the roof tops one thing for brides to hear, LOTS of natural light! The word “Photography” literally means “light!” Natural light is absolutely detrimental to capturing the best images from your day!

2. Location: I know, I know, there is no lie that weddings are Expensive! But, the location where you get ready really DOES matter! Dark rooms, yellow & dark colored walls are not ideal for getting the best images. When you’re looking at locations for you and your girls to get ready, seek light colors!

3. Details: Believe it or not, the details are very important! I’m not saying having every single detail for your wedding day is needed but the ones you do have are important. Adding those little touches to your wedding day, expressing your unique relationship and personality with your guests puts that little icing on the cake.

4. Friendships: Surrounding yourself with family and friends you love, who support you maybe one of the most important parts of your wedding day. And, ironically enough, it is the best way to get the best portraits! When you are relaxed, happy, and full of joy on your wedding day, you get amazing portraits! Be sure you have your very best friends, and your most favorite family members by your side on your big day. You’ll thank yourself after it’s all said and done!

5. Timeline: Last but not least, your wedding day timeline is HUGE! Having a timeline of the day helps you get those absolutely perfect images. How you ask? Knowing exactly when things will happen will help your photographer not miss any important moments! Having your photographer assist in your timeline will make your wedding day flow smoothly & easily where you wont feel rushed.

I hope you all have THEE best wedding days! Enjoy the planning process, and at the end of the day smile. You get to marry your best friend!
xoxo E

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