A Little Trip to Texas

This winter I finally have a little time to blog about our sweet trip down to Texas this past May. Luckily my aunt lives in Texas, and we were able to take our family on a little get away while Joel and I went to work at a wedding. I love how much my aunt loves my kids. She was so sweet to them and they just loved it!

Samuel and Hannah being so helpful making garlic bread!

Not only is she an amazing cook but did I mention she has an amazing sense of decor? Her house looks like it could be in a catalog.

This puppy showed up at their door step one day, and never left! Years later his name is still “stinky dog.” He is just the sweetest!

The pool is a BIG hit with the kids!

I just love all the little touches she had around her home. Everywhere you looked there was a little something decorating her home and yard.

Uncle Tom even has a little music room that they were allowed to play in (only for a short time.) We didn’t want to ruin or break anything special!

We spent a few hours at the Aquarium and this was just the best time!

Their home is so beautiful. We had the best time on this little trip. I can’t wait to return again soon! Thank you Auntie for letting us come and have a little vaca!

xoxox E


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